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Brahma Kumaris

It holds spiritual free meditation and positive thinking discourses, programs, seminars, retreats and so on for the benefit of humankind. Some of the widely acclaimed programs are:

  • The Million Minutes of Peace

The program was launched in 1986 during the United Nations International Year of Peace, It gathered around one billion minutes in the form of meditation, prayers and positive thoughts. The objective of the program was to emphasize that peace begins with the individual and the peace process therefore must start with the individual.

  • Global Co-operation for a Better World

Encouraged by the popularity of this effort, another program called Global Co-operation for a Better World was launched from the Houses of Parliament in London in April, 1988. The project sought to increase co-operation and understanding between nations, communities and individuals.

  • Sharing Our Values for a Better World

The next international project called Sharing Our Values for a Better World was launched in September, 1994. The objective of the project was in line with the Preamble of the UN Charter, "To reaffirm faith in the fundamental rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person". The Project aimed to raise awareness of core spiritual values and the development of those values at both an individual and collective level.

  • Living Values: A Guidebook

The fourth program was of educational nature and revolved around the publication of “Living Values: A Guidebook". The book contains the guiding principles and tools for the development of the whole person, recognizing that the individual is comprised of physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.

All these projects elicited the attention and participation of millions of people in around 130 countries across the world.

Since the word ‘Yoga’ in its purest sense has no equivalent in English language, the next approximate substitute is ‘meditation’.

If ‘meditation’ means ‘thinking deeply’ then meditation is the best way to arrive at a state of yoga with God. Since we have not seen God in physical form just as we see our sons and daughters, therefore establishing such bonds of natural love with God is easier said than done. This is where ‘meditation’ helps. Thinking deeply, constantly, and lovingly -meditating-- about God Father/brother/mother/friend/son and son and affectionately remembering His virtues such as His being an ocean of love, bliss, compassion and so on, enables a feeling of relationship to develop.

Meditation gradually helps a person to quieten the mind, clear it of the negative associations, fill it with positive and uplifting thoughts and experience a supreme spiritual bliss, It is in this sense that meditation/yoga is an exercise that must be practiced daily and regularly in a quiet and relaxing environment.

Some excerpts on Meditation taken from various websites of Brahma Kumaris Meditation

The most important journey you can take is the journey within. This is a journey to the truth of who you really are. This is the place, just beyond every day consciousness, where spiritual empowerment begins. Spiritual power gives you the power to choose creative thinking rather than automated thinking, response rather than reaction, peace, love and harmony rather than stress, conflict and chaos.

Meditation also helps you disconnect from damaging habits of thought, feeling and reaction. This results in a conscious, positive release of energy which improves the quality of your attitude, actions, and interactions. The process of going within, disconnecting from harmful habits, connecting to your innate spiritual resources, and reconnecting with your external life, is personally empowering in a lasting way.

Experience Meditation

Like any skill, meditation requires practice to achieve satisfying results. More and more people are adding some kind of meditation to their daily routine either as an effective antidote to stress, or as a simple method of relaxation. By doing a little meditation every day, it soon becomes a natural and easy habit, which generously rewards you for the effort it involves.

Brahma Kumaris Free Meditation


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Be a light to others and you wont stumble on your own path. Meditation is a process of careful thought consideration.

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